We serve the city of Montréal for quality inspection services tailored to your needs, by Diligence Inspection professional team.
For residential, commercial, air quality, thermographic and for laboratory testing inspections, Diligence Inspection, the building inspection specialists in Montréal, give themselves the mandate to provide you accurate and detailed inspection reports.
For professional service in Montréal, call 514 210-0014
Approximate time of inspection: 3h preferably in daylight.
Income property inspection and any kind of industrial buildings.
Method of inspection and quality analysis of the air in 4 steps.
Powerful diagnostics for preventive maintenance, detecting anomalies invisible to the eye.
The only way to recognize and resolve certain conditions remains laboratory analysis.
Computers, detailed and comprehensive transmitted within 48 hours.
Phone :
514 210-0014
Area: Laval, Montreal, North Shore and South Shore.
Email :
Since 2009, Diligence Inspection performs residential and commercial inspections that help clients make informed decisions with confidence.